Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.92, Document No.1, A document written by Ashikaga Takauji, with his signature at the end. Dated 27 Oct. of Rekiō 2 (1339)

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.76, Document No.12, A ledger presented by a from landed estate (shōen)

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.54, Document No.17, Meeting minutes of a monastic organization, dated Kanshō 3 (1462)

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.4, Whole image of the box.

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.4, Interior of the box.

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.4, Bottom of the box.

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.4, Interior of the lid

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Paulownia boxes inside the storage. This represents only one part of the ninety-four boxes.

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Chests inside the storage. Newly made chests that are currently used to house the documents. Ninety-two chests in all.

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.36, Document No.200, A folded document, dated 29 Dec. of Bun'an 2 (1445)

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.36, Document No.200, A folded document in unfolded condition

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Fonds No.1, Document No.19, A record of deposit and withdrawal of documents

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.55, Document No.96, A letter by Hosokawa Katsumoto. Caption is inscribed on the edge of reverse side as seen when folded. Dated Kanshō 3 (1462)

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.55, Document No.96, Beginning of the letter by Hosokawa Katsumoto.

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.9, Document No.184, Pledges from peasants, written on the backside of two types of talismans. Dated 9 Nov. Kanshō 3 (1462)

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.9, Document No.184, Front of the pledges from peasants. Dated 9 Nov. Kanshō 3 (1462)

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.85, Document No.84, A letter to Tōji by a woman known only as

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.19, Document No.341, Notes of diagrams submitted to a court pertaining to dispute over water supply.

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No.11, Document No.1, The oldest document of the Hyakugō Archives. Dated Tenpyō Hōji 7 (763)

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Box No 48, Document No.10, The newest document fof the Hyakugō Archives. The list of roles played by monks in Buddhist rituals. Dated Enpō 7 (1679) to Hōei 8 (1711)

Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives, Photograph of the interior of the Tōji Treasure House. A portion of the Hyakugō Archives can be seen in the right-hand corner. This is an extremely vualable photo, which shows that the Hyakugō Archives were stored in the Treasure House. Dated Taishō 14 (1925). Presented by the Kyoto Prefectural Department for the Preservation of Cultural Properties.