General view of the vault, Direcção Geral de Arquivos, Lisboa, Portugal
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Detail of the Catholics Kings
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Detail of the Catholics Kings
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Detail of the Catholics Kings signature
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Enclosure
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Lead seal hanging from silk threads
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Page 1 recto
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Page 1 verso
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Page 1 verso
The Treaty of Tordesillas - Page 2 recto
The Treaty of Tordesillas of 7 June 1494 - Page 2, Recto
The Treaty of Tordesillas of 7 June 1494 - Page 2, Verso
The Treaty of Tordesillas of 7 June 1494 - Page 3, Recto
토르데시야스 경계선